Weekend of family and fun

We headed up to see my brothers this weekend, the meal above was on Sat lunchtime which still left us a lot of time for all the following: Building profiterole towers Dressing up with props on sticks Rudolf gets a make over curtsey of our kid… Puppy snuggles “Now den which chocolate would I like?” thinks Read more about Weekend of family and fun[…]

Insects at home and abroad at Oxford Natural History Museum

I don’t tend to write much about work on here, mostly because this is an out of work blog and so filled with out of work things, but this evening’s activity is too good not to share. I work as an environment coordinator and the best bit about that role is organising events to get Read more about Insects at home and abroad at Oxford Natural History Museum[…]

All aboard for a trip to the Enchanted Market

Yesterday we set our alarm for earlier than usual on a weekend and drove up first to Newbury to collect Jam’s mum Gaynor and then onto Bracknell, where the Enchanted Market had touched down for a couple of days. The building it was held in is usually a school but it was transformed by some Read more about All aboard for a trip to the Enchanted Market[…]

White choc and cranberry cookies

Every year in December we usually get really busy, so this year I promised myself I wouldn’t add any extra stress by adding anything ‘extra’ into my diary. I failed at this miserably last week when a friend at work organised a bake sale to raise money for Crisis to provide a Christmas, meal, healthcheck and Read more about White choc and cranberry cookies[…]

More cake and curtains

There is no rest for the wicked and so I spent most of Friday night in the kitchen making pink vanilla cupcakes with very pink icing. The reason was Against Breast Cancer were taking over Abingdon market place and they were a bit short on cake. So I put on the oven and had a Read more about More cake and curtains[…]

Going all golden & baking up a storm

So a few weeks ago I saw a poster at work for the Oxfordshire bake off. Not only was baking fever coming to a school near us but all the money raised was going to Oxfam and local childrens hospice Helen & Douglas house (the same charity I ran dressed as santa for a few Read more about Going all golden & baking up a storm[…]