A severe case of finish-itus

This week it’s been head down, finishing some of the projects I started a while ago. First up it was the wedding commision from my friend at work. seven cravats with matching hankies for her main men (I got a bit behind with this as the day I’d set aside to finish the hankies we had a plumber round to fix the hot water, instead he turned off the heating and my fingers were too cold to sew!). Here is just one set. All weekend I was looking after top dog Holly, but on Sunday night after ‘walkies’ I managed to curl up in front of countryfile and finish Amelia’s blanket. Now I find myself with nothing that pressing to finish, or so I thought until I looked at the pile beside my bed and found the scarf I started for my brother last Christmas. Lets hope the finish-itus lasts and I can get that off the needles too (I’m going down to visit my nanna at the weekend & Kip is coming, getting it finished for then however may be pushing it… 🙂 P.S due to some highly useful knitting time whilst watching Scotland get trounced at rugby I did manage to get Kip’s scarf finished. Here he is wearing the finished thing 🙂

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